of pecans this week! My pecan tree is producing more pecans than I know what to do with. As I've been out in the yard, with my pecan-picker-upper (really, that's the name-see pic on rt.side) and my buckets, I'm learning what it means to be fruitful. It is more than one flower, or one pecan or one grape. It is bountiful-1.Giving freely and generously; liberal. 2. Marked by abundance; plentiful.
This concept of Bountiful was driven home even more so on Saturday after my first bridal shower. I was indeed showered with gifts that were freely given and generous. It was a blessing!
So as I go out each evening wandering around my yard, picking those pecans, I am reminded of what it means for me to be fruitful, and the bounitful gifts of the Lord. In this season before marriage, it is nice to reminded of these things.